The Master Level
It’s not the goal or end of the spiritual path, but rather the beginning.
Ready to uplevel?
Learn it.
At the end of our time together, you will have all the tools needed to explore and deepen your connection to the Reiki Source and build yourself as a capable and confident practitioner. It’s forever my goal to provide you with support and continuing education opportunities, so that you feel supported by a community of like-minded individuals who strive to build a practice based on the highest professional standards, integrity and kindness.
My style of teaching allows for complete integration of the energy, so that you feel fully supported. This style breaks up the teachings into two 4-hour in-person classes, the first class begins on Saturday, April 19th at 10:30 am and second class begins Saturday, May 31st at 10:30 am.
Build it.
During the 3rd Degree & Masters class of Usui Reiki training, we will do a brief overview of the 1st and 2nd degree Reiki classes.
You will learn the Tibetan master symbol in this class and we will discuss/practice different advanced healing techniques, as well as meditations. We will go into more details about the chakras and the endocrine system as well as take a look into certain crystals that carry a higher vibration that you can utilize in your healing session.
We will have time to do hands on practice with the new symbol and techniques learnt in this class.
Included is this class will be your level 3 masters manuals and your level 3 attunement & certification.