Awaken your sacred, inner goddess
Gently steaming the vagina (yoni) with healing herbs is a very simple, effective and ancient tradition that has been used by many indigenous cultures throughout the centuries. By passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally and physically cleanse and nourish your yoni and awaken your Feminine Energy.
During a Yoni Steam, you allow the warmth of specially selected organic herbs, steam and permeate to relax the organs and womb.
Why V Steam?
Used to help treat a number of gynecological and emotional issues including but not limited to:
regulating menstrual cycles including relief from cramps, heavy flow & brown blood
relieving PMS
ovarian cysts
postpartum healing
soothing infections such UTIs, yeast infections and BV
night sweats/hot flashes
painful sex
anxiety and nervousness
sleep challenges
low libido
Steaming aids in healing and bringing relief to common physical discomforts, as well as the varied emotional landscape that women manage throughout their lives.
This is full body healing!
Please do not steam if :
After ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive).
You are (or could possibly) be pregnant.
Currently in the full flow of the period or experiencing heavy bleeding.
If you have an acute infection and/or you have vaginal sores or blisters.
Shop Womb Wellness
Reiki-infused essentials for all your yoni needs.