Question: Who can benefit from an Ionic Detox Foot Bath?
Answer: Everyone
How does it work?
We have millions of pores on the bottoms of our feet and we utilize them, in order to pull these toxic molecules from our body! It's a little bit of science and a little bit spiritual. What is your soul holding onto? Is your illness your identity? What do you need to release?
Think back..
To the way your body felt when you last walked along the beach and felt the energy of the waves breaking near you...
You were able to breathe deeper, your brain cleared, your body felt in tune with the earth, at peace and rejuvenated. The ionization of trillions of water molecules crashing to the earth caused these positive reactions.
Chi baby, Chi
For centuries, Chinese medicine has referred to this ionic energy as "Chi", a complex energy field permeating and realigning the body's energy field while organically improving your body’s levels.
So, why do it?
This cleansing process includes removal of parasites and liver detoxification. Resulting in: less fluid retention, reduction of inflammation, significant pain relief, improved memory, improved bladder control and improved balance of pH in the body.